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AI Plagiarism Checker | Detect AI Score

Empowering people globally, our AI Detector provides clarity in an environment filled with AI-generated content. Our cutting-edge technology establishes the standard in AI detection, capable of identifying a variety of models such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, LLaMa, and others.

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AI Detector

Plagiarism Checker


of text is likely AI-generated

AI Generated


Human Written


Bypass the top AI Detectors by Humanizing your Text!

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Wants to bypass Plagiarism Checkers And AI Detectors?

Humanize & rewrite your content using Cudekai!

Cudekai rewrites any content into human-like readable text. Get plagiarism-free & undetectable content that bypasses all AI detectors.

Humanize Content

Use Cases Of AI Plagiarism Checker

1- Academic Writing And Research

AI Plagiarism Checker Tool can be valuable for students, researchers, and academics who need to ensure original, authentic and valuable content. It can help them to detect AI and Plagiarism score in content to ensure academic integrity. This will help them to achieve good grades.

2- Content Creation and Seo

Content creators, bloggers, and website owners can benefit from the AI Plagiarism Checker tool to generate unique and original content for their platforms. By inputting existing articles or texts, the tool can analyze them for AI score and plagiarism. Using content with minimal AI involvement and free from plagiarism can improve your chances of ranking well in search engines and avoiding penalties for duplicate and fake content.

3- Email Writing

Email writers can use an AI plagiarism checker tool. If you use AI-generated emails, they are likely to be rejected by your audience because AI content is not authentic, tailored to their needs, and may contain repeated content, making it look spammy. To avoid this, check for AI plagiarism and tailor your emails to your audience's needs to increase the chance of conversion.

The Technology behind AI Plagiarism Checker Tool

An AI Plagiarism Checker Tool uses a language model that learns patterns, grammar, and vocabulary from large amounts of text data generated by AI. It then compares the user-generated data with a large sample of AI-generated data to analyze the perplexity and burstiness of the user input. If the patterns are the same, the input data is most likely generated by AI; otherwise, it is generated by a human.

Explore More Helpful Tools

AI to human Converter

Bypass all AI detectors and plagiarism checkers easily

Free Ai Content Detector

Scan your content to detect AI generated Text

Free Plagiarism Checker

Scan your content and find plagiarism in it

Plagiarism Remover

Remove plagiarism from your content easily

Free Paraphrasing Tool

Paraphrase your text to bypass plagiarism checkers

Essay Checker

Grade your student paper in a couple of seconds

AI Essay Writer

Generate Human-like content


AI to human ConverterFree Ai Content DetectorFree Plagiarism CheckerPlagiarism RemoverFree Paraphrasing ToolEssay CheckerAI Essay WriterFree AI Tools


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